Five days after the birth of the prince, many wise men were invited to the palace for the Naming Ceremony. They looked at the marks on the child’s body. Seven wise men raised two fingers and said that the prince would either become a Great King or a Buddha. The youngest, Kondana, raised only one finger and said that the prince would become a Buddha. The prince was then given the name “Siddhartha” by the wise men, which meant “wish- fulfilled”.
Seven days after the birth of her child, Queen Maha Maya passed away. Pajapati Gotami, her younger sister, who was also married to King suddhodana, brought up the prince as her own child.
Naming Ceremony (n) Lễ đặt tên, mark (n) dấu vết, palace (n) lâu đài, raise (v) nâng lên, giơ lên, finger (n) ngón tay, Buddha (n) Phật, Kondanna (n) Kiều Trần Như, wish- fulfilled (a) thành tựu như ý, pass away (v) qua đời, Maha Pajapati Gotami (n) Bà xà ba đề, bring up (v) nuôi dưỡng.
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